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Summer is a Fantastic Time to Work on Essential Academic Skills



What do we mean by “essential academic skills”?

Well, it’s a pretty extensive list.

To an elementary-age student, it could be a struggle with multiplication tables (and addition, subtraction, and division, too!) Without those “facts” firmly down pat, more complicated math processes become extremely difficult to master. (Hello, long division!!)

Another student might find themselves lost in Social Studies class, because their map-reading skills aren’t quite where they need to be.

Someone else might be great with numbers, but is completely confused by graphs. This is an issue that can affect not only math, but science lessons.

Maybe you have (or are!) a student who enjoys writing, but sweats over essay assignments. Some extra, focused attention on structuring solid essays might make all the difference to the confidence of such a student.

And what about the reader who loves stories, but has trouble applying critical skills to those stories? A summer of focusing on concepts like plot, theme, character, audience, etc, would not only set that reader up for excellence in future English/Language Arts classes, it would build critical thinking skills that can be used over a lifetime of reading.

Let’s not forget our students who are having trouble with concepts like telling time. This is the kind of struggle that gets more embarrassing the older a student gets–and is then less likely to be addressed. Left unaddressed, something like this can become a real impediment–including emotionally.

What all of these examples have in common is that they involve skills that are utilized across academic subjects. When we think about tutoring, we often think about core academics: reading, math, and so on. And during the school year, when assignments are coming every day, these core areas often do have to take priority.

Summer, when there’s no regular flow of assigned schoolwork, is a wonderful time to step back and look at the bigger picture. 

In what areas is my child struggling, generally? What essential skill is my child not quite grasping–and it’s holding them back?

Let us help! 

At MAD4YU, sessions are FREE, one-on-one, and designed around the needs of each individual learner.

Give us a call today. Let’s skill-build together this summer!

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