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The Reluctant Reader


There are lots of reasons kids shy away from reading. 

Maybe your child struggles with basic reading skills–through a learning disability, or just a lack of confidence. Maybe they’re doing okay, but they could use more practice to increase fluidity, speed, and understanding. The one-on-one, individualized tutoring we offer at MAD4YU can help with all of this.

But what if your child is a fairly capable reader–but they just won’t read? Reading is boring. Reading’s a chore. Reading is for school, not summer vacation!

Does your child associate reading with work?

If your child has come to associate reading with work–and is quickly building the kind of antipathy to reading that will block them from experiencing its pleasures–we can help with that, as well. Summer is actually the perfect time for this kind of reading support. In summer, there are no school assignments that have to take priority. Tutoring sessions can become “love of reading” sessions. We’re here for that, too!

What are your child’s interests? Let’s read about them! Do they love Spiderman? Minecraft? Star Wars? Bring it on! Let’s remember that reading can be FUN.

Because we all know, the more fun something is, the more likely we are to do it.

And the more likely we are to pick up a book, the easier it is to build our reading skills. If we’re good readers, those less-than-interesting school-assigned readings become faster and easier. Confidence builds and grades improve.

Let us help your reluctant reader become a little less reluctant about reading this summer

Our one-on-one sessions can be framed around….well, pretty much anything you need! We can talk character, plot, theme–all those pesky Language Arts concepts. We can read aloud together, growing oral reading skills. We can do writing-based projects around chosen reading material, growing those skills as well. Or we can just meet and talk about what we’ve read–checking understanding. And having fun while we do it!

Our sessions last one hour/subject per student and are FREE

So, give us a call today at #804-833-3281 to set one up. Let’s get reading together this summer!

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